GROW: THE SONG OF EVERTREE REVIEW Grow: Song of the Evergreen is somewhere in between an adventure and a casual farm game....
JURASSIC: WORLD EVOLUTION 2 REVIEW The original Jurassic World Evolution felt like an ethereal grasp at nostalgia, but its sequel grabs hold...
WARHAMMER, 40,000 BATTLESECTOR REVIEW Although there are plenty of XCOM clones available these days, it would be a mistake to assume that...
“COMBAT EVOLVED” MIGHT BE MORE APPROPRIATE All signs pointed towards Halo Infinite’s failure. The terrible July 2020 debut was a Spartan elbow...
TERMINATOR: RESISTANCE ANNIHILATION LINE REVIEW Terminator: Resistance has an enigmatic charm that leaves me very uncertain about what to make of it. It’s...
Sony is considering Andrew Garfield Spider-Man’s Return, says Insider The future of Spider-Man is more exciting than ever. Spider-Man – No Way Home finally opened the...
Mass Uninstallations Are “Literally Unplayable” Updates to ‘Warzone’ and ‘Modern Warfare’ ‘Warzone’ Call of Duty fans is tired and frustrated at the...
Michael Keaton’s Batman Will Return For “Batgirl” So, Batgirl! If you didn’t know, it’s a fact that this is happening. The feature film was started...
Get One Of The Most Christmassy Games You’ve Ever Known Right Now! We’re now on Christmas Eve. How are you all feeling? Are you...
New Fortnite Winterfest gifts by Spider-Man’s JMJ UPDATE — December 30, 2021: Many players are reporting a glitch that allows you to...