Naughty Dog boss Neil Druckmann may have unwittingly confirmed The Last Of Us Part 3
While also giving fans some hope that Naughty Dog is hard at work on developing it. I applaud Mr. Druckmann and thank him for being part of Naughty Dog! It may even appear he hinted towards its completion at some point soon!
Santaolalla collaborated with Druckmann and Craig Mazin on adapting The Last of Us’ score for HBO series adaptation, so fans are naturally presuming he will return for Season Two of TLU. However, Druckmann stated there would be more collaboration on multiple projects which led to fans quickly associating this statement to TLU Part III.
PlayStation’s first party studios have yet to make an announcement that will inform us what their release schedules look like – we know nothing of Naughty Dog, Bend Studio, Sucker Punch or Santa Monica Studios just to name a few! Will The Game Awards bring us more, or should our hopes rest with an imminent PlayStation Showcase?
That remains to be seen, although Druckmann has made his intentions quite evident. While The Last of Us Part III may eventually happen due to Part II’s immense commercial and critical success, Naughty Dog hasn’t officially confirmed it as of yet. We know the studio is hard at work on a single-player title to soften the blow that The Last of Us multiplayer game has been put “on hold”, while Druckmann will write and direct an upcoming title;
given his role as creator of The Last of Us franchise I would expect him to deliver something along these lines as it may well be part III. Druckmann also serves as head of creative and co-president at Naughty Dog, so there should be no issues giving him approval on a project of this nature.
Fans speculate that Druckmann has given away confirmation of Part III. Gustavo Santaolalla, composer of the franchise’s music, will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s Latin Grammys ceremony and in response to this news, Druckmann tweeted “Congrats, maestro! What an incredible body of work! (But keep in mind we still have lots more collaboration ahead!)” Oh wow… that sounds very interesting indeed.