
Save as Much as 97% on audiobooks at Chirp

Example: Marie Kondo’s book for $1.99. This new service delivers super-cheap daily deals, and there’s no subscription requirement.

Love audiobooks? Then you know they are costly, frequently selling for anywhere from $15-$30 apiece. There are ways to save money on audiobooks, clearly, but prepare for a few of the cheapest options nevertheless: Chirp. Note that CNET may get a share of earnings from the sale of the products featured on this site.

Chirp delivers bargains that are time-limited on audiobooks that are curated. For example, Marie Kondo’s seminal The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is now just $1.99. Price at Audible: $21.95 (unless you’ve got a membership, in which case it is $14.95). The Weight of Ink, by Rachel Kadish, is just 99 cents at Chirp — and $29.99 at Amazon.

The Site adds new publications almost every day, and every one is generally available for about a month. At this time, by way of example, there are a few 190 names across just about every major genre. (My advice: Start using the Editor’s Pick list.) On top of that, there’s no subscription demand.

But, At the same time that you’ll discover a small number of well-known writers (like Joyce Carol Oates, Nora Roberts and P.G. Wodehouse), the majority of the genuine books available here are lesser-known. I had been hard-pressed to find over a few titles I actually recognized.

Still, you can Always check reviews everywhere (Chirp appropriate has none) to see if any particular book is worth your time. And with most of them priced between $1-$5, it will not cost you much to find out for yourself.

To listen to your purchase, you will need a web browser or the Chirp app. The latter has nearly all of the features you’d expect, such as flexible listening rates and a sleep timer, though it can definitely use a car style.

If you can not get enough audiobooks, you must check out Chirp.

Read more: 10 Strategies to read and download books for free

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