Hogwarts ' Nintendo Switch port doesn't look at all shabby

Hogwarts ‘ Nintendo Switch port doesn’t look at all shabby

Hogwarts ' Nintendo Switch port doesn't look at all shabby

Hogwarts ‘ Nintendo Switch port doesn’t look at all shabby


First released on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC, Hogwarts Legacy was an engineering marvel at the time of its release. After the game was fully ported into Xbox One and PS5, there were still some doubts over the stalled Hogwarts Legacy Switch port, and it’s a surprise to discover that the port is looking pretty good!

In the wake of some rather sour porting of games on Nintendo Switch, such as Ark: Survival Evolved. Nintendo Switch, such as Ark Survival Evolved Many expected a sour game experience for the old handheld. This isn’t, however, new images show an acceptable appearance for the year-old Potter game.

The latest Hogwarts Legacy Nintendo Switch screenshots showcase clearly paired back textures and models of high quality. The clothing in the game is noticeably silky without the pleasing appearance of leather or cloth, which was present in the more powerful console versions.

Another view of the area of need has some very poor-quality floor textures and wood surfaces that are massively simplified in the area’s numerous containers and cabinets. It’s very slick for such an enormous game packed inside a device that was old-fashioned at the time it was released.

Through VGC, Warner Bros believes that the brand new Hogwarts Legacy Switch port will become a primary seller on the console. There’s even a chance that the port’s appeal to international customers will surpass that of the console or PC versions.

“We see that as probably a much bigger install base and a fan base that, as relates to the franchise of Harry Potter, which obviously appeals to a huge audience globally, and in markets like Japan where Nintendo has a big footprint, and Harry Potter skews very strongly in terms of popularity,” added Warner Bros Discovery CEO, JB Perrette.

The game will be released on November 14th. Hogwarts Legacy on Nintendo Switch is the final version of this Wizarding World game, at most, until Nintendo Switch 2 launches next year.

It’s also important to note that the original release of the game came under fire because of the high quantity of sexist remarks and actions by Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling. The controversy resulted in a massive protest against this Harry Potter game.

Hogwarts ‘ Nintendo Switch port doesn’t look at all shabby
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