All the Stands of Stone Ocean explained

All the Stands of Stone Ocean explained

All the Stands of Stone Ocean explained

All the Stands of Stone Ocean explained

Hirohiko is known for his absurdity. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures is valid in its name. It’s a bizarre adventure that has amassed one of the biggest fandoms for anime, manga, or games, from Jonathan Joestar’s Hamon-using vampires to today’s Rock Humans and many Stands.

It’s difficult to deny that Stands are pretty cool. They offer a unique and original way of telling traditional super-powered beings. We have X-Men with mutations, superheroes with trauma-derived abilities, and My Hero’s Quirks. There hasn’t been much like Stands other than the Araki’s stands.

The manifestations of the soul that have a name associated with a song or artist are called “stands.” You can manifest stands in any form. Some are more humanoid and physical than others. Some are not even manifested but are more of a concept. Some are more a concept than a manifestation.

If you are new to JoJo or want to refresh your memory after watching JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in Stone Ocean, then you are in the right place. We’ll be going through ALL the Stands in Stone Ocean SO VERY FAR. Don’t worry if you don’t read manga and don’t want spoilers. This is just a list of all the Stands we have seen in Stone Ocean. It will also show you their abilities and their users!

We’ll go through in order of appearance:Abilities: Stone Free is a versatile Stand. It can be a formidable opponent in a fistfight, but it also has a lot of flexibility. It can use its string abilities. Jolyne can pick up and touch objects with one strand of Stone Free’s String. She can also relay messages to it. The string can also extend her senses. The string can be unwound entirely and transformed into Stone Free’s humanoid form. An extremely dense but very fast Stand. AbilitiesGoo Goo Dolls can shrink other people down. This is an effortless ability. It shrinks people and reduces their stand abilities. Goo Goo Dolls work within a specific range. If the target moves beyond that range, it will grow to its average size.

Ability: Star Platinum is a notorious example of a new and often forgotten ability. Star Platinum, or a French Man if one asks, is the leader of Stardust Crusaders. We’ll only cover the capabilities of Star Platinum that we have seen in Stone Ocean.

Star Platinum’s primary ability is The World. This allows him to stop time. Jotaro’s prime time, Jotaro could keep his Time Stop for a while, but as he grew older, the ability to stop time became more difficult to maintain. He can stop time in Stone Ocean for just 2 seconds.

Star Platinum is also one of the most powerful and fastest Stands available. It even has a level of self-awareness that is unmatched by other stands, which are only manifestations of their users. Star Platinum has been able protect Jotaro in many cases that he was not aware of.

Abilities This Stand does not have any combat abilities, but when paired with Johngalli’s sharpshooting it can be used to allow Johngalli to eliminate targets from far away, precisely, and through blind spots.

It can read the air current and pinpoint the location of any living thing. It can move quickly in the air, and even evade water drops to maintain maximum precision.

Johngalli can also redirect bullets using its own shape by shooting Manhattan Transfer or changing the bullet’s trajectory. This allows you to easily shoot around blind spots and covers..

All the Stands of Stone Ocean explained
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