Guerrilla created an intricate living world for the Forbidden West.

Guerrilla created an intricate living world for the Forbidden West.

Guerrilla created an intricate living world for the Forbidden West.

Guerrilla created a complex living world for the Forbidden West.

Guerrilla Games put a lot of effort into creating a rich, interactive world in Horizon Forbidden West. Espen Sogn (lead living world designer for the game) said it was difficult to create this world without overwhelming the player.

Sogn stated, “Everything should feel right at home when you walk through The Forbidden West.” Guerrilla’s Living World team focuses on the aspects of the game that make it feel real and alive, such as the settlements and tribes and the people living there. Everything we do in the world has an intention.”

Guerilla created an intricate living world for Horizon

Annie Kitain (senior writer at Guerrilla) said that “we put a lot into every tribe we’re going to encounter.” She also spoke about “what their conflicts are, how these fit into the story and how they interact with the world around them. For example, take the Tenth. They are, unlike other tribes and composed of three distinct clans. Many of their beliefs are influenced in part by the Forbidden Wild ruins.

To craft better gear for Aloy, players will have to visit these towns. You’ll probably run into many of these tribes outside of the story. Some prepare for war while others tend to their fields and live close to the land. Guerrilla asks you to visit these towns and “think, ‘whoa, they nail it.’ Now, this tribe feels real.”

Aloy will find vendors and market participants, people who can help her upgrade her equipment and many other things, including outfits that allow her to tailor her approach to each challenge.

Guerrilla created an intricate living world for the Forbidden West.
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