An Outer Worlds Prequel Would Prevent Major Plot Holes Based on Endings

An Outer Worlds Prequel Would Prevent Major Plot Holes Based on Endings

An Outer Worlds Prequel Would Prevent Major Plot Holes Based on Endings

Obsidian’s The Outer Worlds withdrew players To the far-reaches of another world where US President William McKinley didn’t lurk in the Pan-American Exposition in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt never became president implemented anti-trust legislation, and unregulated corporations embarked on space-faring colonial expeditions to disperse a kind of indentured capitalism across the cosmos. Having a premise as striking as that, it is not surprising that the various endings of this match have radically different consequences for this galaxy’s future.

In case Obsidian wants to Make The Outer Worlds Two, A prequel could be the ideal approach to reunite fans to the atmosphere without producing plot holes or even the storytellers needing to create canonical decisions that he ends of the game.

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The Endings of The Outer Worlds

In addition to a secret finish, there are two Chief endings to The Outer Worlds that, in average Obsidian Entertainment style, Could only be unlocked using a character with hardly any points in Intelligence or a different defect such as”Permanent Concussion.” Additionally, there are various variants on all 3 of those endings. Still, these really are simply additions to the epilogue, which describe what happened to every companion personality and faction predicated on pursuit decisions made from the sport.

The Outer Worlds’ chief endings are determined during the assignment”Keep Secret But Not Heard.” The Fantastic end is unlocked when the participant sides with Phineas Welles, The scientist that unfroze them rescued them in the Hope at the beginning of the game. Provided that the participant does not turn Phineas into the Board and informs Ada to take the Hope into Terra two, they will find the great end where Halcyon is spared a famine and the very best and brightest still suspended on the Hope are all restored.

The Terrible finish is unlocked by turning Phineas inside with Sophia Akande and the Board And sending The Hope into Tartarus. The colony’s fall along with the Board’s Employment strategy is devastating for the folks in Halcyon. The key “Crash and Burn” end may only be unlocked when the participant has reduced Enough intelligence to try to pilot the Hope himself, which will Cause them to crash right into sunlight.

An Outer Worlds Prequel Would Prevent Major Plot Holes Based on Endings
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