
How tall is Drake? A scientific investigation based on facts

The cover Artwork for Drake’s Forthcoming album, Views From Your 6, In which Drake is perched atop the CN tower of Toronto, would be the type of image that used to exist in the wildest dreams of the world creators. But Aubrey knows a thing or 2 about meme inspiration, and you can bet your OVO net t-shirt that when he determined on the record artwork, he understood enemies and fans alike could get creative with it. Unexpectedly, there was Drake, sitting Beyoncé’s head, hanging out with J. Cole, and dropped in Where is Waldo’s planet . Now, Twitter consumer @HieuHefner has gone and brought math into it, and I swear it’s more entertaining than it sounds, please don’t leave.

As you can see from this useful illustration below, if the bulb in The CN Tower’s top is all about 40-meters 11 sitting Drakes equals the bulb’s length, and tall, then one is 12-feet tall. This is a pleasant reveal by itself, but it raises an question: If Drake is a whilst sitting, how tall is standing Drake?

There were just two ways to deduce the answer to this question Obvious of which googled it. As Google states that Drake is 6 feet tall The line of thinking turned out to be bullshit. (As we’ve learned in the blunders of all other celebrities, no human is exactly 6 feet tall; usually, they are 5 feet and 11 and a half inches) Additionally, Drake can not be 6 ft tall whilst sitting, when he’s double that size , and we are talking about Giant Drake here — maybe not Everyday Drake. Googling celebrity peaks: misleading and useless.

The less appealing option, was to perform mathematics. I needed to Decide the sitting to standing height ratio of a rich and celebrated male. Then I found a website that is definitely employed by real people, called One of the forum talks involved sitting vs. standing height, where lost souls posted their height measurements and requested the public to choose if they were normal. I dug to find out if I could come up with a mean ratio. (One person claimed they had been 20 centimeters taller when sitting than standing, because they had a”fat bottom,” so I was forced to eliminate their measurements based on insanity.) This amateur study produced a working hypothesis that sitting elevation is usually somewhere between 52% and 56% of a person standing height.

For the sake of simplicity, I landed in the middle, and supposed Drake’s sitting height to be 54% of the standing height. If Drake Is around 366 centimeters when seated — that is 54% of around 678 centimeters — then, scientifically, Drake is approximately 22 feet Tall while. I have worked really hard, although I am no mathematician Here and that I feel confident in reporting that this is a correct fact.

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