
Updog Finally Launches

ntm dog sup with you?

Power and its own beauty is at its simplicity — I probably heard it about first grade or so — although it doesn’t take much to comprehend the joke. Updog is a little mean-spirited, sure! A buddy chose not to, and had an chance to interview Kim Kardashian, believed updogging her ; it would have been mean to her, he said. But as mean-spirited jokes go, I find updog to be pretty gentle, particularly since pretty much every native English speaker has discovered (and forgotten) it at any point.

I can’t speak for anybody but me, but this year occasionally just felt like a skip on fire in the center of recently napalmed landfill. All of us did our very best to locate silliness where we can. I guess this year’s circumstances personal and national — directed me to achieve for a simple source of pleasure that had lain dormant in certain corner of my brain for 25 years or so. The updog was rear.

And it was not just me. The experimental troll intelligence of DARPA endeavor Katie Notopoulos put together her favorite updogs of the calendar year, but as with year-end lists, it incomplete. It is, however, worth noting that Notopoulos is a remarkably capable updogger herself:

This is the ideal execution, in part because it fits so well with Farhad’s #personal #brand: the loveable perma-naif, stumbling through the world of technology bros and media hoaxers. Of course Farhad would be updogged later or sooner. It’s Farhad if anybody is going to be on the receiving end of updog. Because Farhad himself is the butt of it, and it nicely removes any kind of meanness in the joke.

In the mean-spirited class of updog, there’s this beautiful abstract expressionist implementation from — of all places — the PR world. Ed Zitron updogged somebody in on the joke and still somehow managed to pull off it. That is exactly what you employ people relations for, my friends.

I’m not sure how best to describe Mallory Ortberg of this Toast, therefore I’m going to link to her Verge 50 profile. If you run a blog, you’ll find trolls as you might expect; for this reason, the comment section of The Toast is. On Sunday a man emailed Mallory, asking why his comment was not being submitted. So Mallory, may all the cats bless her, then emailed him”It is probably a bizarre error” and invited him to spend more time writing comments, while placing him into perma-delete. That is pretty much all the background you need for this Gorgeous thing:

There’s been no word, as of the writing, if the tried updog was successful. I know there will be upgrades posting to the exciting new social networking,, which seems like a prime opportunity for VC financing.

As for me, I am watching to see what is hot for 2015, and there is an exciting new competition: the little-known diquefore. What is a diquefore? Exactly.

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