Android Games

Pro Gymnast Full Version Mobile Game

Pro Gymnast Full Version Mobile Game

The 100% Physics-based athlete simulator. Imagine gymnastics, parkour, and ninja obstacle courses all combined- and you get Pro Gymnast, an extremely fluid and expressive physics-based game of skill and acrobatics. With special features that enable unrestricted expression freedom (and hilarious fails!), you may directly manage your athlete! created by an acrobat and gymnast.

I have spent my entire childhood participating in gymnastics, trapeze, and trampoline! I created this game to spread my passion for the game. Included is an incredibly detailed avatar editor! Create Your Own Classes. includes a replay video exporter and a fully functional level editor. Create a realistic gymnastics simulation. In the game, players are always figuring out how to mimic real-world gymnastics.


Installation Instructions

  1. Click the green button below to be redirected to
  2. Wait 15 seconds, then click on the “free download” button. Allow the file transfer to complete (note that speeds may be slower with the free plan; upgrading to UploadHaven Pro will increase speeds).
  3. Once the transfer is complete, right-click the .zip file and select “Extract to Pro Gymnast” (To do this you must have 7-Zip, which you can get here).
  4. Open the folder that you just extracted and run the game as administrator.
  5. Enjoy the game! If you encounter any missing DLL errors, check the Redist or _CommonRedist folder and install all necessary programs.


Pro Gymnast Full Version Mobile Game




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