Starfield fans agree one of the major flaws with RPG is its writing

Starfield fans agree one of the major flaws with RPG is its writing

Starfield fans agree one of the major flaws with RPG is its writing

Starfield fans agree one of the major flaws with RPG is its writing


Starfield’s main issues lie within its writing and dialogue, according to those who have played it.

As what should have been a flagship exclusive on Xbox, The Elder Scrolls V was an immense disappointment for most fans – particularly longtime Bethesda followers, who now fear its successor could follow in its footsteps in terms of quality.

Starfield may not meet expectations when it comes to space travel and gameplay that feels too similar to that found in Fallout series games; its planets offer little entertainment or activity compared to what was promised or expected, however. Unfortunately for Starfield developers however, their release in 2014 coincided with other more critically reviewed titles including Gollum: Skull Island Rise of Kong Rise Of Kong And The Day Before.

Fans believe one of the main factors holding back the game from being fully realized are its writing, as well as an apparent “illusion of choice” when talking with NPCs during its main story and answering its various queries.

Of all of Bethesda’s games, Fallout 76 stands out due to its numerous dialogue choices resurfacing from previous titles; these however do not produce noticeable effects in terms of story development or character interactions, leading Reddit users to describe it as lifeless and dull.

Starfield fans agree one of the major flaws with RPG is its writing

One player argued that dialogue in Starfield was irrelevant because every choice offered is identical 99 out of 100 times; so much for creating the illusion of choice; I would much prefer they just voiced dialogue to determine my choices for me instead.

One player noted Bethesda dialogue hasn’t been up to par since Fallout 4, noting your dialogue choices consist of normal human responses such as normal answers or normal/sarcastic/edgelord answers without impactful changes to either world or character.

One player put it well when they stated: “This book seems to assume there’s some moral code when there really isn’t.”

Elder Scrolls VI provides dialogue choices with real consequences, giving players control of how their character fits into society – or does not.

Starfield fans agree one of the major flaws with RPG is its writing
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