Man tries to sue his wife for playing with a stranger
Battle Royal

Man tries to sue his wife for playing with a stranger

Man tries to sue his wife for playing with a stranger

Man tries to sue his wife for playing with a stranger

How can you claim you are insecure when you don’t say you are? Let me be clear and say that trying to sue your wife for playing video with another woman is a good indicator.

According to The Daily Tribune, a Bahraini man was having a normal day. He had asked for the waiver of custody from his mother after playing with another person on her PlayStation. God forbid.

Which would win in a fight? A super-powerful water jet or a PlayStation. You can see the video below, but please cover your console’s eyes.

First, he filed a police report claiming his wife was untrustworthy and that he had brought someone to her room to play with them for four hours late at night. This was very unusual behaviour for a gamer. This police report was all he had to support his case in court. It didn’t go down well, as you can see.

Witnesses (I am incredibly confused about where they could have come, but it is okay) stated that they believed the man’s claims were “unfounded” without any evidence. The court agreed with them. Further cementing this was that he was suspicious of his wife and had been accused of beating and abandoning his children.

According to court records, the couple were married in 2013. However, their custody battle ended in 2020 when the father was awarded sole custody. The lawyer for his wife stated that it “constitutes a attack on [her] honour and dignity”, intending to defame him in front of his friends and family. He was a very pleasant person.

His wife’s lawyer said that her client had filed for divorce. That’s a relief. You can also see proof that the PlayStation is legal. You may go on it with someone else if you feel so. This information is for your reference…

Man tries to sue his wife for playing with a stranger
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