
The physics of Star Wars’ Starkiller Base: could that really happen?

A spoilery discussion about the science of The Force Awakens

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the Empire — Called the First Order’s next generation — has Generated a giant weapon called Starkiller.

It is like the principal weapon of the Death Star, but on steroids. Starkiller is a snowy, forested planet that has been hollowed out. Its function is reflected by its title: Starkiller stores them in the core of the planet and sucks in the materials of local stars. The First Order can take this superstar stuff out of a cannon, developing a ray of plasma screen capable of eviscerating numerous planets.

Star Wars with real stars

The film does not define what technology the First Order uses to empty stars — but there’s a real-life equivalent, type of. Materials can be slurped by holes off celebrities, but their job is a lot messier.

Black holes are incredibly compact objects in space — so huge that not even light can escape their intense gravitational pulls. And in the space, celebrities can orbit around those black holes, just like planets orbit around sunlight. But every so often, a star will get dislodged from its spot and get close.

The hole immense gravitational forces take hold. The debris of the star funnels to the hole, Every time a star rips apart — sort of water flushing around a bathroom. By funneling the gas toward one point of the star Which appears to be the way the Starkiller weapon functioned. But when a black hole does that, the process isn’t as uniform as the picture depicts. “The gas of the star flies anywhere, and some of it moves into the black hole, and a few forms a gaseous disc,” said Roseanne Cheng, an astrophysical scientist at Johns Hopkins University.

That disc is called an accretion disk; it is a flat spinning ring of gas, dust, and other leading debris which circles round the edge of the black hole. The immense forces cause the disk to spin inward toward the center of the black hole. This movement creates a stressful environment: powerful x-rays extreme heat, and gamma rays. This action also creates a magnetic field, which spins out of the black hole that is spinning. So if some kind of hole technology is draining the celebrity from The Force Awakens, there would be a hot, gaseous cloud circling the Starkiller foundation — and it could be harmful.

Folks would be extended into long spaghetti-like tubes as they dropped down the black hole

Additionally, as resulting in debris in the disk falls into the black hole, the substances sometimes get excited and are discharged out in the form of high-speed jets.

Very high speed: The particles in those jets move at nearly the speed of light.) Scientists are not exactly sure how the jets operate: nobody knows the form or that which powers them, though it’s possible they are shaped by the field that is winding. At any rate, these jets were also absent from Starkiller.

In fact, it’s impressive that people would be living on Starkiller if anything such as a black hole has been present. The planet would probably be pulled apart from the black hole’s immense gravity. And any people would be stretched into long-spaghetti like tubes because their bodies fell toward the black hole center.

Naturally, the events in The Force Awakens occur in a far off galaxy, one where something known as the Force permeates the world and pretty much allows for magic. Perhaps this all-encompassing Force implies you can do whatever you want with celebrity stuff. As long as you’re smarter than a Stormtrooper.

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