
Domino Deserves a spinoff film, and there are amazing comic stories to mine

Her complicated backstory involving Catholic ninjas and murder amusement parks is rich with potential adventure

The breakout star of Deadpool Two is Domino, a mercenary with a brute power which ensures the chances drop within her favor — particularly when it means gliding through brutal fight scenes unscathed and unconcerned. As a result of fight choreography that shows how effortlessly cool this power and some charismatic performance from Zazie Beetz can look, chances are good that we’ll be seeing in the future. Luckily for filmmakers, there’s loads of source material to draw out in Marvel comic books.

Her Catholic ninja origin story

Just like a lot of comic book characters that debuted in the ’90s, Domino is a mix of a simple, higher notion layered using a backstory that is ludicrously complex. It is so complex, in actuality, she made her official debut annually after she showed up from the comics in 1991. See Domino wasn’t actually Domino. Instead, it was a shapeshifting doppelgänger who uttered the team, Copycat. She’d kidnapped and replaced Domino at some stage before her debut at New Mutants #98, but following her real first look in X-Force #8, that had been a flashback set years previously. If this sounds complex, well, that’s because it is.

That complexity isn’t just a product of the’90s. Domino, Started as a espionage romp and spun out into something wild. Domino’s search for her mother led her back to the government laboratory where we know she had been genetically engineered for a weapon.

After all, that’s pretty standard superhero Things, but it goes off the rails in the most enjoyable manner possible when it is revealed that her mother is in fact leading a cult of Catholic ninjas called the Armajesuits, that have targeted Domino’s 20-years-younger clone brother because of a prophecy that says he’s likely to finish all faith with his psychic abilities. It is just as weird as it sounds, but it is arguably the single best Domino solo narrative ever.

Even beyond the Armajesuits and the classic”let us save a kid” storyline that was at the Middle of the Deadpool Two and Logan, It delves deeper into the thoughts behind her abilities, going beyond the vague concept of”fortune” in order to push the tales. Her mom can view the future and take action to avoid a bad outcome. Her”brother” can manipulate reality around himself to get what he desires. Domino can do both, she can not control how it happens. And there is one spot in particular that this skill would do the job for her in a means that would not necessarily click along with other big-screen heroes.

She Wants to go to Murderworld

Given her ability to escape from elaborately Contrived peril, it’s surprising that she’s never truly gone up against the character who’d be a natural archnemesis: Arcade.

If you’re not familiar with him, Arcade is just one of those Marvel Universe’s premier assassins, despite the fact that he has precisely the track record you’d think when it comes to killing individuals whose names are on the covers of their comics. As his title implies, his favorite way of killing people is to lure them in to Murderworld, an amusement park full of deathtraps that are constructed out of things like giant pinball machines and roller coasters. Like Domino, he has exactly the kind of flexibility that allows him to harvest everywhere. He first appeared as the protagonist of an unlikely team-up involving Spider-Man and Captain Britain, then he spent a while fighting the X-Men, he then settled into the role of showing up whenever somebody decided that heroes needed to experience a theme park in which the subject was violent death — which, honestly, should be all time.

The Toughest part of writing Domino is coming up With scenarios that her fortune can get her from — all the wheres and whys to go together with the just how s which you presently have. Arcade solves that problem by being a character whose entire goal is to fall heroes into convoluted situations where they need to be lucky to live. What better battle may there be for a hero who will always win at games of chance than a villain who just exists in the context of rigging the games? We already know that movies about assassins trying to out-assassin each other could be fantastic, but imagine how amazing John Wick 2 would have been if it was constructed around the Six Minute of murder rather than a fancy hotel.

Imagine how amazing’John Wick two’ would have been when it was built round the Six Flags of murder instead of a fancy hotel

It seems like a natural fit, but in the 27 years that These personalities have coexisted, they have only crossed paths after, at a backup story in a Cable and X-Force Annual from 1995. That was about Arcade himself and more about the fact he tends to have robotic duplicates of superheroes lying about. Instead of being a full-on confrontation, it was more of a car for Domino to ruminate on yesteryear by combating ersatz versions of teammates and himself.

There’s one bizarre hook, though: according to the narrative, This is something that Arcade and Domino do every single year, an idea which appears to be lifted from the way that Sabretooth constantly shows up to destroy Wolverine’s birthday. The distinction is that that’s a notion that occasionally gets revisited, while Arcade swearing to conquer Domino’s uncanny fortune has not been followed up on once, let alone the 22 times it should’ve by now.

But we can always hold out hope.

Obviously, Arcade and Domino’s eternal enmity for each Other was more of a throwaway line in the next narrative of an Annual that very few men and women remember. That said, Domino is a character constructed on taking those small coincidences, those little, unlikely opportunities, and making them work in her favor.

Her abilities are about fortune — but also trusting your instincts
Her serendipitous powers are in the center of what makes Domino compelling and place her into an eclectic pantheon of comic book characters that are supernaturally blessed, but with limitations. Besides her loved ones, there is also Longshot, yet another chance powered X-Men affiliate who’s only lucky when he’s using his powers for the sake of the others, also Gladstone Gander, Donald Duck’s irritatingly fortunate cousin, who is only lucky as long as he’s not working. That is an admittedly strange group to be part of, but Domino fits right in with the type of over-detailed sci-fi excuse for her powers. Rather than being magic, her powers would be the product of a subconscious ability to control reality around her, which extends into her own motions and reflexes.

To Put It Differently, she’s more of a Jackie Chan than a Buster Keaton — if she stands at 1 place, that famous collapsing wall Would burst into her, but if she was running through it, she’d be underneath the window in precisely the right time. Despite her name being connected to the domino effect, it is as much about amateurs as it’s all about favorable coincidences lining up. She is always going to make the leap, punch in the right code, or clip the right cable on a bomb, but since it is unconscious, and because even she does not always know exactly what the most favorable result is in a given position, these dangers that she chooses still have that thrilling element of danger. If you get shot, the bullets lost each very important organ is a really lucky consequence, but you still got taken.

Her powers codify exactly the kind of uncanny chance that we all take for granted in actions heroes

Buried underneath all that complexity are two easy Ideas, and that’s what makes Domino work really well. To begin with, her complicated backstory functionally severs her relations to her past, freeing up her to be described as a mercenary — or, at best, as a teammate — whose motivations can be completely situational. Second, her powers codify precisely the type of uncanny luck that we all take for granted in action heroes such as Die Hard’s John McClane. When you put all that together, it makes her the kind of personality which you could fall into virtually any story and make it function.

That’s the Exact Same kind of adaptability which you see in Great characters such as Batman, or, not coincidentally, Deadpool. Even Spider-Man includes a difficult time working as soon as you take him from a town environment that is full of partitions to crawl and high buildings to swing from, but Domino? Much like James Bond, she is the type of character who will go anywhere and work with a number of villains. In the same manner that Bond just needs M to slide a folder throughout the desk so as to jet off to exotic places or Batman is willing to go to the ends of the Earth to fight crime, Domino just has to be given a mission that would be suicidal for anyone who wasn’t the luckiest person on Earth.

There’s also Thrill, mixing together with the idea that she has to trust in her own instincts and also the power that’s guiding them, even when all about her is telling her she is wrong. As a personality and even as a central hero, making her amazingly relatable, despite a superpower which makes the most incredible feats as simple as breathing. A character whose only real weakness is telling herself is something everybody can understand, although it might be tricky to relate to someone who’s characterized by the capability to have everything working out in their favor.

On the page or in front of the camera, Domino is all About construction to the best outcome with and taking chances that are long Confidence and determination. It takes fortune, sure, but it only works if You’re trying.

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